I am an Italian multimedia artist who currently lives and works in Los Angeles. No matter which media I am working on: marble, bronze, wood, ceramic, aluminum, watercolor, video, gesso or tar my work is always around a very personal investigation on transformation and preservation, which had been the core of my work for the past 16 years.
I am mostly known for my signature work in TAR that has been part of public collections at the Mint Museum in North Carolina, Castello di Rivara in Turin (Italy), and numerous private collections in the US and Europe.
My work has been exhibited locally and internationally in Museums like the Palais de Tokyo in Paris, the Mint Museum in North Carolina and the Louvre in Dubai.
Recently I became an ambassador of the famous whiskey Johnny Walker who artisitically utilized my BLACK TAR work as its symbol. The collaboration with Johnny Walker also includes the creation of 3 limited edition bottles, which received the best bottle-packaging award in the U.K.